Mass Effect Pc Tweaks

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Note: Although Mass Effect supports widescreen resolutions, some people may feel that it doesn't do so properly - e.g. See here for more details. If you want to adjust the Field of View, see the FOV console command in the Advanced Tweaking section, however note that using a different Field of View can cause unintended issues. Mass Effect is the latest in an increasingly long line of titles to enjoy some remake love. A whole generation of gamers never got the opportunity to take part in one of the biggest space operas.

C: Users Documents BioWare Mass Effect Config In Mass Effect 1 we don't see all graphical settings in main menu or in MassEffectConfig utility. The main goal of this tweaks is to make the game look better by enable, disable, enhance and alter settings. Mass Effect 2 is based on Unreal Engine 3 and many settings can be modified in a way similar to Mass Effect, allowing the user to mod, tweak or cheat. Unlike the first Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2's in-game console is locked in a more serious way, but a multitude of effects and in-game commands can be activated through editing configuration files. Using the modifications described in this.

Mass Effect 3 Custom Key Bindings

What to us

Coalesced Editor for Mass Effect 3

Follow the guide if you haven't installed it yet.

Key Bindings & Commands

From Mass Effect Wiki Guide (PC Tweaks)

Key Binding:
bioinput.ini > sfxgame > sfxgamemodedefault > bindings

On the right side of the editor you will see the existing keybindings. Scroll down to the bottom where there will be a blank line. Add any new bindings one at a time. Press ‘enter' once you've entered a new binding to start a new line.


( Name='NumPadSeven', Command='initcredits 9000000″ )
( Name='NumPadEight', Command='setrenegade 1000″ )
( Name='NumPadTwo', Command='setparagon 1000″ )
( Name='NumPadZero', Command='God' )
( Name='NumPadZero', Command='ENABLEPOWERCOOLDOWN 0″ )
( Name='F4″, Command='givesupergun' )
( Name='F5″, Command='givesuperarmor' )

If a binding doesn't work, check ' and spacing in the code.

Unlimited ammo and grenades on Reload:


( Name='PC_Reload', Command='SwapWeaponIfEmpty | TryReload | initammo 999 | initgrenades 10″)

Individual weapon tweaks:
bioweapon.ini > sfxgamecontent > sfxweapon

If you want to change the stats of an individual gun, such as fire rate, damage, or recoil.


maxaimerror = (X= , Y= )
minxaimeror = (X= , Y= )

maxzoomaimerror = (X= , Y= )
minzoomxaimeror = (X= , Y= )

X and Y fields should be the same. Bigger values mean less accurate. The above two values fix accuracy when not holding down right mouse, or aiming. 'zoomaimerror' is for accuracy while aiming.

Crosshair size
Crosshairs DO NOT scale with accuracy. It is up to you to fix the cross hair size to fit the accuracy that you have modded.

maxzoomcrosshairrange = (X= , Y= )
minzoomcrosshairrange = (X= , Y= )


damage = (X= , Y= )

X is value of weapon damage at level I, while Y is the damage value at level X.

Note: Make sure you also fix the statbardamage attribute to be the same values as the damage that you set. There are two other values for stat bars: accuracy and rate of fire. These two values don't correspond with the values that actually affect the behavior of the gun.

Rate of fire

rateoffire = (X= , Y= )

Both X and Y values should be the same.


( Name='PC_Reload', Command='SwapWeaponIfEmpty | TryReload | initammo 999 | initgrenades 10″)

Individual weapon tweaks:
bioweapon.ini > sfxgamecontent > sfxweapon

If you want to change the stats of an individual gun, such as fire rate, damage, or recoil.


maxaimerror = (X= , Y= )
minxaimeror = (X= , Y= )

maxzoomaimerror = (X= , Y= )
minzoomxaimeror = (X= , Y= )

X and Y fields should be the same. Bigger values mean less accurate. The above two values fix accuracy when not holding down right mouse, or aiming. 'zoomaimerror' is for accuracy while aiming.

Crosshair size
Crosshairs DO NOT scale with accuracy. It is up to you to fix the cross hair size to fit the accuracy that you have modded.

maxzoomcrosshairrange = (X= , Y= )
minzoomcrosshairrange = (X= , Y= )


damage = (X= , Y= )

X is value of weapon damage at level I, while Y is the damage value at level X.

Note: Make sure you also fix the statbardamage attribute to be the same values as the damage that you set. There are two other values for stat bars: accuracy and rate of fire. These two values don't correspond with the values that actually affect the behavior of the gun.

Rate of fire

rateoffire = (X= , Y= )

Both X and Y values should be the same.


encumbranceweight = (X= , Y= )

Value x is the weight of the weapon at level I, and value Y is the weight at level X. For example, a weight of 1.4 means your cooldown will be slowed by -140% if you equip this weapon.

Unlocking Casual Appearances:
biogame.ini > sfxgame > sfxplayercustomization > casualappearances

To unlock, set the PlotFlag for the armor that you want to -1.



None of this is my creation. These resources were adopted from Mass Effect Wiki Guide.

If you have any other codes to add to the above ones, please contact me with the subject line: 'Shepard ME3 General Codes'. Add your name if you want credit.

ME3 Coalesced Editor

Where To Get It

Coalesced Editor for Mass Effect 3

Download the most recent version from here: Wench's Coalesced Editor ME3

This tool edits the coalesced.ini file. I would highly recommend you backup your original coalesced.ini file. You can find the file here:

Program Files (x86) > Origin Games > Mass Effect 3 > BioGame > Config > PC > Cooked

How To Use It

Because somehow i always forget and fuck shit up

Before you do anything, back up your coalesced.ini by copying and pasting the files to a safe place. I like to use the desktop. Once you've done that, follow these steps:

  1. Open Coalesced Editor for Mass Effect 3 application. It doesn't matter where you unzip the downloaded folder or where you run it.
  2. Click 'File' > 'Open'
  3. Now follow path above and select the coalesced.bin

Quick Tweaks & Cheats

From Mass Effect Wiki

Eliminate Store Markup:
bioui.ini > sfxgamecontent > sfxgamechoiceguidata > storedata > normandy

Change 01f to 0.0f.

markuppercent = 0.1f

Note: You can change it to negative values for a discount, but anything equal or higher than 1.0f crashes the game at start up. Having too many credits while buying might also crash your game.

Editing War Assets:
bioui.ini > sfxgame > sfxgawassetshandler > allassets

To change the value of a War Asset, edit the 'StartingStrength' value. To negate the Galactic Readiness penalty, for example, you can double all the values.


Another way to edit War Assets:

Edit individual war assets by simply setting a new value for it. For this, you need to use Gibbed Save Editor for Mass Effect 3. The video on how to do this is here.

Find interactive objects easier:
BIOGame > sfxgame > bioplayerselection

Setting the highlight distance to make it easier to find interactable objects. 8000 works nicely and highlights objects far enough out to cover your visible range easily.


Mass Effect 1 Ini Tweaks

Eliminate Weight Penalty:
BIOGame > sfxgame > sfxcharacterclass

Change encumbrancemaxcooldown and encumbrancemincooldown both to -2.0f. Reitz foundations of electromagnetic theory solution manual.

This will eliminate the weight penalty on your powers, allowing you to take the full 200% cooldown bonus with any combination of weapons.

Increasing encumbrancemaxcooldown will increase your base cooldown bonus. Changing it to -3.0f, for example, would result in a 300% cooldown bonus.

Scan Detection Range:
Biogame.ini > sfxgame > bioplanet

Huawei e5372 firmware. Anything over 240 should cover an entire system in one scan.


Improve Normandy Fuel Efficiency::
Bioweapon.ini > sfxgame > sfxinventorymanager

The lower the number, the less fuel used (0.0 – Infinite).

Mass Effect Pc Tweaks


Reapers' detection time and Chase:
Biogame.ini > sfxgamecontent > sfxgalaxymapreaper

Reduce all of these to nerf the reapers, or increase them to make searching for war assets more of a challenge.

How quickly they catch up to you:

Mass Effect Legendary Edition Pc Tweaks

acceleration = 5.0

Mac os x lion iso image for vmware. How easily they find you:

Mass Effect Pc Tweaks

m_fscandetectionrange = 300

How fast they can go:

maxspeed = 67.5

Get Maximum Level and Talents for all Squad Members:
biogame.ini > sfxgame > sfxgameconfig > levelrewards

Go to the first line and change it to:

Mass Effect Console Commands Pc


Appearance modding, iris color, hair and more will be on a separate post with the corresponding imagery. It always bothers me when I have to adjust the code, go into the game, leave the game, adjust code again, repeat 1000 times. Better to just have an image for reference.

If you have any other codes to add to the above ones, please contact me with the subject line: 'Shepard ME3 General Codes'. Add your name if you want credit.

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